Air Purifiers in McMurray, PA

Air Purifiers Help Minimize Exposure to Airborne Pathogens

July 12, 2020

As the world has recently been reminded, airborne pathogens are among the greatest hazards to our health. Unfortunately, they’re also more common than you might realize. When it comes to protecting yourself from these aerial threats in McMurray, PA, one promising option is a quality air purification system.

The Science of Airborne Pathogens

In simple terms, airborne pathogens are viruses, bacteria, and other infectious agents that can spread through the air. Pathogens can become airborne in many ways, including hitching rides on dust particles and being expelled by sneezing or coughing. Once they’ve entered the air, they can sometimes remain suspended for a surprisingly long time. As a result, they can potentially spread quickly throughout a home, commercial building, or another indoor space.

Neutralizing Airborne Hazards

What makes airborne pathogens so tricky to control is that they are extremely small. So small, in fact, that they very easily slip through typical HVAC air filters. Protecting your home or business from these microscopic marauders requires a more sophisticated approach. This typically starts with using high-efficiency filtration technologies to trap as many airborne particles as possible. To eliminate pathogens that can’t be trapped, many germicidal air purifiers also use ultraviolet light. In particular, the mutagenic properties of UV-C light make it highly effective at killing or neutralizing infectious microorganisms.

Clean Air Is Healthy Air

In addition to minimizing your exposure to airborne pathogens, air purifiers can also help protect you in other ways. Poor overall air quality can potentially weaken your immune system, irritate your respiratory tract, and leave you more vulnerable to illness. Air purifiers eliminate most airborne contaminants, improving indoor air quality, and helping to keep you healthier. Many high-efficiency air purification systems are capable of removing more than 98% of the airborne particles in an indoor space.

Infectious diseases will always be part of life, but they don’t need to be part of your home or business. Contact Bruno Plumbing & Heating today to explore all of your air purification and indoor air quality options.

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